vata dosha

Vata Dosha

Vata Dosha

In Ayurveda, Vata Dosha is ruled by the elements air and ether. These elemental effects transpire to dry and dull Vata skin, so the most vital part of a Vata skincare regime is moisturising. Vata elements air and ether, Vata types tend to spend, or dissipate their energy rather than store it. A balanced Vata type is full of creativity and vitality. But, unbalanced Vata types suffer from hyperactivity, fear and anxiety and indigestion, as well as dry and uneven skin tone problems like melasma. Like the wind, Vata-dominant people are changeable and irregularity will feature strongly in their physical and emotional characteristics. With a variable appetite, Vata types tend to feel the cold, may have poor circulation and love warmth and sunshine. Wondering More About The Vata Dosha Type, See Our Topics Below:
  1. The Vata Dosha Skin Type
  2. Stress & The Vata Dosha
  3. The Vata Dosha Diet
  4. Taking Care of Vata Dosha
Vata types are active and restless and generally find it hard to relax. Their sleep tends to be light and easily disturbed and they may suffer from nightmares and insomnia. Vata types think and talk fast and love being with other people. They are good at initiating things but not necessarily following them through. They are lively but are prone to poor memory and concentration. The Vata Dosha


Vata Dosha skin can be dry, delicate, cool, rough and flaky, and can be vulnerable to exposure and dry wind. It is important to use replenishing moisturisers, and to boost hydration by splashing your face several times when you cleanse.


Stress can have differing effects on our skin, as mental stress is most likely to induce Vata-like symptoms, it is wise to follow a Vata routine when mentally over-worked and seek out Vata botanical remedies. Reduce stress by massaging with essential oil aromatherapy; add grounding and warming essential oils such as Ginger, Anise, Rosewood, Angelica and Basil to carrier oils such as Sesame, Flax and sweet Almond.


Diet is absolutely central to the system of Ayurvedic healthcare (as Hippocrates declared, ‘let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’). To maintain Vata balance, sweet, sour and salty tastes with food warm or hot in nature are best at preserving doshic balance. Vata foods include warming spices such as Cinnamon, black Pepper and Ginger. Foods that are unbeneficial to Vata and distort balance include bitter, pungent and astringent flavours, such as bread, Neem, and millet. It is wise to avoid foods which are too dry in nature.oil aromatherapy; add grounding and warming essential oils such as Ginger, Anise, Rosewood, Angelica and Basil to carrier oils such as Sesame, Flax and sweet Almond.

Taking Care of Vata Dosha:

  • Plenty of relaxation, rest and sleep
  • Methods to reduce anxiety including yoga and walking meditation
  • A regular routine
  • Internal and external use of oils
  • Mild spices such as fresh ginger, cumin, cardamom, fennel and coriander
Dehydrated Vata skin types are best suited to our Vata range. Complete our questionnaire to discover your dosha!